Marketing & Public Relations Committee

Committee Officers:
Chair Samantha Villa Southeast New Mexico College
Members Samanthi Hewakapuge San Juan College
  Holly Surbaugh University of New Mexico

The NMCAL Marketing & Public Relations committee is established as a Standing Committee to raise awareness of the organization, and increase public understanding of the value of such a consortium.

Committee charge:

  • Planning and developing marketing efforts in collaboration with other NMCAL committees.
  • Communicating and promoting NMCAL resources, accomplishments, and needs.
  • Producing and distributing an annual newsletter.
  • Helping to create a unified voice across all types of libraries in New Mexico for advocacy of library standards.
  • Coordinating the inclusion of NMCAL on the annual CUP, NMACC and NMICC retreat agendas, and coordinating the information table at each year’s state legislative session.

NMCAL Newsletters