Legislative Committee

Committee Officers:
Chair Ruben F. Aragon New Mexico Highlands University, Thomas C. Donnelly Library
Secretary Renee Goodvin Central New Mexico Community College Library
Members Poppy Johnson-Renvall Central New Mexico Community College Library
April Kent New Mexico Highlands University, Thomas C. Donnelly Library
Barbara Lovato University of New Mexico- Valencia
Kathleen Knoth University of New Mexico- Taos
Legislative Committee Progress Reports

[su_column size=”1/2″]Priorities:

  • Provide updates for the 2022 initiative.
  • Advocate for the 2022 GO Bond.
  • Address concerns to State Legislators regarding the distribution of GO Bonds equability between academic, public, school and tribal libraries.
  • Work collaboratively with HED to clarify what are the eligibility criteria for academic libraries to receive library GO Bond funding and who administers the eligibility criteria.
  • Determine our charges for 2021-22.

[su_column size=”1/2″]Proposed 2021-2022 Charges:

  • Advocate (NM Legislature, Council of Presidents, Higher Education Department, etc.) for the New Mexico libraries GO Bond initiative for the 2022 legislative session.
  • To review with the Higher Education Department an increase in the inflationary percentage of the funding formula.
  • Discuss, review, and begin to push for a legislative line item supplemental funding for New Mexico academic libraries.
  • Continue to pursue one-time funding for academic libraries.
  • Continue to collaborate with NMLA on legislative matters impacting academic libraries in New Mexico.
  • Investigate and recommend to NMCAL members a potential collaborative project that could be funded out of biennial GO Bonds as a NMCAL-wide initiative.
